
June 28, 2023

Summer is here, and I hope everyone has had an opportunity to enjoy some time in the sun with family and friends. The first couple months as your OACP President have been busy and I imagine this year is going to fly by.  
I wanted to provide a quick update from our recent June Board Meeting which was hosted in McMinnville. This was a full board of directors meeting, and I was excited to speak with our board and thank them for their continued support and guidance for our association and its membership. I encouraged the Executive Board liaisons to be active in the committees they liaison with, and promote the good work being done. Speaking of committees, they are already hard at work for you. Whether it is planning for upcoming training and vetting potential presenters, promoting new membership to our association, or reviewing award nominations, their good work continues.   
On the topic of membership, we are excited to welcome 8 new members to the OACP. They made a great decision to become a part of an association which is highly respected throughout the state and nationally. We were also able to approve the upcoming fiscal year budget for OAA prior to the current fiscal year ending, which might be a first coming out of the funding challenges during COVID and the dues restructuring. Thank you to all the agency heads who continue to pay their agency dues which keeps our association up and running. I was encouraged to learn from Kevin Campbell that this long legislative session turned out zero bills which are problematic for public safety, and although the mess created by ballot measure 110 is still being felt, the legislature did strengthen the law surrounding possession of fentanyl. I cannot tell you how valuable Kevin and the Victory Group are to us, as well as those who volunteer to testify in Salem. Your testimony and candid sharing of information is critical to telling the story of policing in Oregon. We need to remain committed to being engaged with the legislature. 
As I close out this June update, please know you and your staff are all in my thoughts as we continue doing the good work in our respective communities around this state. Have a great summer, and I will see you in late September at the Fall Conference at DPSST.

Chief Matt Scales
OACP President

OACP Board members  met at the McMinnville Police Dept. and were hosted by President Matt Scales who facilitated discussion on a variety of topics relevant to the workings of the association. The Agenda and Minutes (once they are edited) will be posted in the Members Only area for review. 

Along with a handful of in-person board members, we also had several join us via Zoom. The group took a lunch break and was treated to President Scales' favorite Hawaiian food in his city. 


Tips and tools for making your association experience a smooth one


OACP has been proud to partner with OSP and OSSA on the Car Care program introduced in 2019. The purpose of this program is to assist motorists who are stopped for minor motor vehicle equipment violations. The vouchers provide a discount at participating auto parts stores and retailers. Assistance with fixing the broken or malfunctioning equipment may also be provided by employees at the participating stores. 


Oregon’s Car Care Program exemplifies the OACP's commitment to showing compassion and empathy for those we serve, while keeping our communities safe.  For more information about the program policy and procedures, click here. If your department is interested in participating in this program contact Deanna at [email protected]. 


2023 Fall Conference
September 27 & 28 at DPSST


(Please note: This schedule is subject to change. The Education & Conference Committee continues to fine-tune the details as information becomes available.) 

$225 for OACP members & $250 for non-members (pricing same as last year)

(Prices will increase by $20 for both members & non-members AFTER Friday, September 15.)


As promised, each week we will be looking back and featuring a presentation that can be accessed on our training platform. Consider watching Charles Celano's presentation (or having those at your agency do so) for additional training credit.

Career Lessons Learned: How to Survive and
Thrive in a Public Safety Career
Presented by Charles F. Celano, Jr. 

The 2022 Annual Conference included a presentation by Charles F. Celano, Jr. entitled Career Lessons Learned: How to Survive and Thrive in a Public Safety Career. Through the sharing of Retired Chief Charles Celano’s personal story, viewers of this presentation will be able to reflect on their own personal and professional lives and learn valuable stress management strategies, as well as tools for self-care and wellness. (2 Credit Hours)

To view this 2 credit-hours presentation, log into the Members Only area and click on Training in the upper blue ribbon. You will find this video in the "F6 | Mental Health/CIT" package.

Oregon News


Oregon Legislature passes ‘ghost gun’ ban
More gun safety provisions were stripped from the legislation as part of a deal to end the Senate Republican walkout last week.
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Bill to address problems with Measure 110, Oregon’s drug decriminalization law, passes Legislature
The Oregonian
The Oregon Legislature on Wednesday approved a bill that will make the Oregon Health Authority more accountable for carrying out the state’s landmark voter-approved drug decriminalization law.
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Lawmakers passed array of criminal justice bills in tumultuous session
Oregon Capital Chronicle
Oregon legislators addressed sex crimes, street racing, ghost guns and other public safety issues but did not fund a legal service for victims.
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National News


Dearborn launches task force, law enforcement partnership amid rise in auto theft
WXYZ Detroit
It’s a partnership of local law enforcement agencies and the prosecutors office.
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East St. Louis police officer, EMS workers taken to hospital after exposure to fentanyl
Belleville News-Democrat
An East St. Louis police officer and two EMS workers responding to a possible overdose call ended up in a hospital emergency room after they were exposed to fentanyl, according to Police Chief Kendall Perry.
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State Supreme Court ruling opens door for more police accountability, liability
OC Register
Experts say the precedent-setting ruling will have far-reaching consequences for police accountability and training.
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OACP Weekly Update

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