OACP Members,
What a whirlwind the first few months have been as President of OACP! It’s been about 4 months, and although I have not been able to attend as many county LEA sessions as I had hoped to, I am optimistic the fall and winter months will allow me to catch up on those commitments.
A quick recap: I was able to attend the retirement of Chief Band from Oregon City PD as well as connect with some of you at other functions that have brought us together. Whether it has been the summer board meeting, a state capital visit, or conversations over the phone about committee or commission appointments, it has been great catching up with all of you. I am tremendously proud to be a part of this great organization.
As we close out summer and look toward our fall season, I am reminded that we just celebrated Labor Day this past Monday. I hope you all took the time to thank those within your ranks who had to work the Labor Day holiday. We look to Labor Day to wrap up the summer and anticipate the football season, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Labor Day is truly about celebrating the American worker. It celebrates the women and men who worked diligently for workers’ rights in the labor movement of the late 19th century. Their hard-fought wins are the reason we have many of the rights we enjoy today such as safe work conditions, paid time off, sick leave, etc. The holiday celebrates the strength of our great nation, the working class, those who go to work no matter what (our public safety employees). So, with deepest respect, thank you for all you do for the communities you serve.
I want to remind everyone within OACP to be sure to register for the upcoming Fall Conference being held at DPSST September 27 and 28. There is still time to register for the conference, and I know our Education and Training Committee has worked hard to bring in speakers who will present timely and relevant information. The ongoing, important topic of police resiliency will be presented, and Captain Drum with Albany PD will present on Racial Intelligence Training and Engagement (RITE) for law enforcement which sounds interesting. Also, if you haven’t booked your trip to the 2023 IACP Conference in San Diego, please consider it. I was at IACP San Diego in 2016 and remember it being a great venue and city to explore. I know Marie has been thinking about creative ways to get the Oregon delegation together for the Oregon Group Dinner.
Lastly, I want to again thank those who have raised their hand when opportunities have arisen to take a larger role in some of the commissions and committees we belong to. It’s never easy trying to carve out additional time for another event, but to everyone who has answered the bell when called upon, thank you very much. You all are what makes Oregon a special place.
Stay Safe,
Chief Matt Scales
OACP President