A Thanksgiving Message from Chief Chris Skinner, OACP President

Fall is beautiful every year in Oregon as the leaves change colors and those of us who are fanatical about college football continue the debate on what team deserves our highest praise.  If you are here in Eugene, it often comes down to three questions: Is Bo Nix going to be healthy? What combination of uniforms will the Ducks wear this Saturday? Will the students throw cans of food at us during our next party patrol?  

Fall also reminds me of just how fast the year is flying by.  Most of us are finishing up this week and looking forward to spending time with friends and family while reflecting on all the things we are thankful for in our lives.  Admittedly these past couple of years has made it difficult to find an abundance of thanks professionally, but if we take the time, it’s in there.  I have an abundance of gratitude for OACP and all of you who are committed to serving your communities every day.  Each one of you have raised your hand and said, “Send me, I will go” when called into your position of leadership.  You don’t hear it enough, thank you.

I would also like to thank the Victory Group, Kevin, Marie and staff for their tireless efforts to move us forward in uncertain times.  The level of advocacy we receive is overwhelming and we couldn’t be the association we are without them.  

Lastly, thank you for all who have welcomed me to your quarterly and monthly meetings throughout the state.  I’ve enjoyed so much my travels and getting more connected with all the work going on in your regions.  While certainly different in many ways, I’m always struck by just how similar we are.  We may be different sizes and have varying degrees of complexity but at the end of the day it’s the same work.  Thank you for making me feel welcome in your home areas.  

We have some challenges coming up, sooner than many of us expected.  We will work through those challenges together and remember that together we will always be stronger. Blessings to you and your families on the day of Thanksgiving, and be well.  

Chief Chris Skinner
OACP President


OACP Weekly Update

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