As promised! Tips and tools for making your association experience a smooth one. Throughout the summer months we'll be spotlighting various association tips and tools we think will help our members better utilize OACP's platform. This week we're highlighting:
Communication with Fellow Members Committee Management System (CMS) and E-lists; facilitating committee communication
The CMS allows for simple communication while providing a means to keep historical records for current and future committee members to review. Please note there is character limits in sending a message. Files can also be uploaded at this site and reviewed.
The E-list allows you to send an email to everyone on the committee and is not limited by character count. They are currently set up so that every reply by a fellow committee member will be seen by all.
If you are serving on a committee this year it would benefit you to learn how to use these resources. If you are not yet familiar with them, they're easy. Just follow the simple steps we have outlined in the document below. We will be sending additional information about this to each committee member.
Click here for instructions to utilize the Committee Management System and E-lists. Click here for committee information and rosters.
2023 Fall Conference September 27 & 28 at DPSST
Mark your calendars in preparation for this training at DPSST.
Springfield PD staff attended the 74th Annual Springfield Memorial Day Ceremony hosted by The American Legion Post #40. Lt. George Crolly, a United States Air Force Veteran (and OACP member), delivered remarks at the ceremony.
Sandy PD shone a light on Memorial day; honoring the fallen and remembering their sacrifice, and celebrating the freedoms that come with it.
AVAILABLE TO VIEW NEW VIDEO IN THE OACP TRAINING CENTER (In case you did not see the message sent out yesterday regarding this.)
John Van Dreal's presentation video entitled “A Comprehensive System for Preventive Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management in the Schools” has been added to our growing video library on the OACP Training Center. You'll find it inside the "2023 Annual Conference" package as well as in the "F6 | Leadership" package. To navigate there, log in to the Members' Only area and choose Training in the upper ribbon.
This video is available to all OACP members. It is also available for the head of Member Agencies to forward to any person in their agency by simply copying the url and having them use the password OACPTraining. We hope this adds tremendous value to your OACP membership. While at the Training Center make sure to peruse all the additional video offerings. We will be adding more Annual Conference training videos as soon as they are edited. We'll keep you posted.
Nearly 2 dozen Oregonians died in police use of force incidents in 2022 Oregon Capital Chronicle Oregon lawmakers hear preview to the state’s first use-of-force report. Read More
‘It’s crazy out there’: The reasons behind Oregon’s deepening drug crisis OPB Fueled by fentanyl, the number of overdose deaths in Oregon has soared since 2019. And while the surge in overdoses is part of a national problem, the state’s underfunded treatment system is struggling to provide local solutions. Read More
Portland and Oregon Cops Are Seizing Less Property In Busts Willamette Week The long criticized practice has been made more difficult by the courts. Read More
New Mexico convenes law enforcement commission to disrupt organized crime AP News New Mexico’s governor announced a new effort to confront organized crime Wednesday by convening a specialized commission of local prosecutors and leading law enforcement officials. Read More
Lawmakers approve school safety bill that would require an armed person at every Texas campus The Texas Tribune Texas lawmakers sent a sweeping school safety measure to Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday, including in their response to last year’s Uvalde massacre a requirement to post an armed security officer at every school and provide mental health training for certain district employees. Read More
Raleigh County Sheriff’s Department hosts mobile ballistics tracking lab WVNS As police departments across the nation fight a rising number of gun crimes, Raleigh and Mercer counties are among those most affected in southern West Virginia, federal officials said Tuesday, May 30, 2023 during a visit to Beckley. Read More
OACP Weekly Update
Send feedback by contacting the OACP Office at 503.315.1411 or by visiting the website: