
June 26, 2024

1. What is a piece of advice you wish you could have told your younger self?
Balance life and focus as much on family as the job. The only people who will remember that you worked late or a lot of overtime are your kids.

2. Is there a particular person, movie, book, or experience that has influenced you? Tell us about it.

I had a great chief in Washington that taught me the importance of relationships. He talked about the importance of treating your people with dignity and respect. “You maybe their superior but they are never your inferior.”

 3. If given a free afternoon (or evening) how would you spend it?
Working on the yard and gardening. There is truth to the saying, “John Deere Therapy”.

 4. What was an activity you enjoyed when you were 10-ish?
I have played soccer for most of my life so I was doing a lot of that.

 5. Tell your fellow association members something they might not know about you.
My family used to own a chain of islands in the San Juan Island grouping called Sucia Island. It was seized from my family because alcohol was hidden there during prohibition, as well as other smuggling activity. It is now a Washington State Park for boaters and kayakers. If you look closely, there is a small Harnden Island in the chain. Harnden Island is still private and is currently for sale.

Chief Harnden has been with the Albany Police Department since December 2019, prioritizing officer wellness and culture building. Prior to her tenure at APD, she provided 25 years of public service to the Bellevue Police Department in Washington State. 


Tips and tools for making your association experience a smooth one...

 Leveraging the Sound Off Forum/Sound Off Index

This tool allows members to efficiently broadcast questions to colleagues and then quickly get responses. Information is saved and available for others to access and benefit from in the future.

Please note; we are streamlining this process and removing both the form to submit, as well as the middleman (in this case, OACP staff), and allowing members to post Sound Offs directly to the platform. It's easy. Give it a try. 

 To submit a Sound Off inquiry

Go to the Sound Off Forum (in the Members Only area under Community), and from there click on OACP Sound Off > click on New Topic

 Sound Off Index - Go here for a list of all Sound Off inquiries that fellow members have posted, and the responses of OACP colleagues. You can find this area by logging into the Members Only area > go to Community > Sound Off Index.



Each week this summer we'll be looking back at past training and featuring a presentation that can be accessed on our training platform. Consider viewing one of the highlighted videos (or having someone at your agency do so) for additional training credit.

Leading in times of Chaos & Adversity
Presented by: Nate Sassaman

"Leading in Times of Chaos and Adversity - Going on the Offense" - "The onset of crisis is too late to decide to become an effective leader; the process must be a cumulative part of each leader's personal development plan and practice.  The sooner this is started as a systematic process, the better, but now is probably not too late."  Sir Ernest Shackleton 

This 3-hour presentation can be found in the "F6|Leadership" package on the Training Center.

Washington County Sheriff's Office
is hosting 3 day training

July 31 - Aug 2, 2024
8am - 5pm

 Topics include: 
* Preparing for Promotion
* Building your Leadership Toolbox
* Building your Leadership Toolbox
for Female Leaders

For more information please click the above links or email: [email protected]  


Placing an advertisement with the OACP is a great way to expand the market reach of your personnel search.

 Click here for more information.

City of Richland, WA
Chief of Police
$149,043 to $208,660 annually 
Closing date: July 19, 2024

Click here for more information.
Click here to apply.

It's Official: Jamey McDonald is Tigard's new

Chief of Police. 

After joining the Tigard Police Department as a patrol officer in 2001, Chief McDonald also served as a School Resource Officer, Field Training Officer, firearms instructor and Commercial Crimes Unit Detective Sergeant. He was promoted to sergeant in 2010, lieutenant in 2014 and commander in 2016. He was most recently named Interim Chief at the beginning of 2024 with the retirement of former Chief Kathy McAlpine.

Jamey has been a member of the OACP since 2016 and we congratulate Chief McDonald on his promotion and wish him continued success in this new role. 

Oregon News


Automated license plate recognition cameras proposed at Sunriver entrances
Central Oregon Daily
"We are alerted if a particular license associated with a vehicle is wanted for some sort of criminal activity," said Stephen Lopez, Chief of the Sunriver Police Department. "The easy one is if it’s a stolen car. Our officers on duty will be alerted that there is a potential stolen car either coming into or leaving Sunriver."
Read More 

Off-duty Washington County deputy killed in crash on way home from work
“He was an extraordinary deputy, father, spouse and teammate who lived an extraordinary life – with the family he loved extraordinarily,” said Sheriff Caprice Massey
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Estimated $15,000 worth of fentanyl seized in two arrests, Eugene police say
EUGENE, Ore. – Two people are facing drug-related charges after police seized an estimated $15,000 worth of fentanyl during their arrests, Eugene police said.
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National News


Wake County standoff highlights heat risk for law enforcement
A recent standoff in Raleigh highlighted the risks of heat illness during extended periods outdoors, especially while wearing heavy protective gear.
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Crushing evil through AI technology
Former CIA agent starts non-profit to equip LEOs with real-time human trafficking intel - for free. 
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Cali. police chief brainstorms with residents on ways to reduce violent crime over the summer
Residents talked about increasing partnerships with neighborhood associations and community groups to create safer youth activities in the summer evenings. 
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OACP Weekly Update
Send feedback by contacting the OACP Office at 503.315.1411 or by visiting the website: