New Chiefs Dinner at Seaside
An OACP tradition is to gather all the new chiefs from around the state during the ELTS conference, along with the Executive Board, and enjoy a relaxing evening together over dinner. A fun addition to introductions that evening included, "What career would you have pursued if you hadn't gone into law enforcement?" See below some of the new chiefs' responses. We've been featuring their responses in the Weekly Update these past few weeks.
Chief George Burke (Lake Oswego PD) said he would have been a teacher and a coach if a career in law enforcement hadn't grabbed his interest and attention.
Chief Greg Pickering (Tualatin PD) has a side gig of singing professionally. We assume if it wasn't for law enforcement, he would have spent more time with a microphone in hand.
Chief Larry Seymour (Prineville PD), says if he hadn't chosen fighting crime, he would have chosen fighting fires.
Chief Andrew Shearer (Springfiled PD) said he had considered being a fire fighter. It sounds like he was going to be a first responder in one capacity or another. (Our apologies for the blurry picture.)
If you attended the conference and have not already completed the evaluation form, please take a moment to give us your feedback. Your responses help make our training relevant and engaging. Thank you in advance for your time.
2023 Annual Conference: April 4 - 7
The 2023 Annual Conference will be here before we know it so now is a good time to plan ahead for lodging. Even though conference registration won't begin until mid-February, please reserve your room now. You can always cancel the reservation later if you realize you aren't able to attend the conference.
Rooms are available for $120 (per diem rate plus tax/fees) in OACP's room block through March 6. After that they are released to the public. Click here to reserve a room. Or call 1-866-453-4480 and let them know you would like to be placed in the OACP room block. If you run into any issues, please email Marie right away so she can address any snags immediately.
Consider Applying for the 2023 IACP Scholarship
The OACP offers a $2,000 scholarship to assist one Chief to attend the annual International Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference. The scholarship is awarded on a point-system basis. Applications need to be submitted by March 31. For information on this scholarship and an application form, click here. When applying, please make sure you are using version 2022.1 (located in bottom left corner of form).
"Because of the OACP Scholarship to attend the IACP Conference in Dallas, I was able to expand on my abilities to lead my department and stay current on relevant initiatives currently effecting the law enforcement community." ~Chief Dave Rash, (Hubbard PD), OACP Board member and 2022 IACP Scholarship recipient
Oregon police chiefs, cities ‘condemn brutal attack and killing of Tyre Nichols’ in joint statement KTVZ The Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police and the League of Oregon Cities issued a joint statement Sunday in which they "unequivocally condemn the brutal attack and killing of Tyre Nichols" by Memphis police officers. Read More
Former Portland police chief named deputy chief of Springfield Police Department KOIN6 Jami Resch, former chief of the Portland Police Bureau, was sworn in as deputy chief of the Springfield Police Department in Springfield, Oregon on Tuesday. Read More
An Oregon school district turns to artificial intelligence to beef up campus security The Oregonian A Klamath Falls school district is using artificial intelligence to try to prevent future school shootings. Read More
Legislation to slow opioid overdoses draws broad support The Lund Report A bill to get naloxone, a life-saving medication that reverses opioid overdoses, into the hands of people who need it received broad support Monday. Read More
Roadway carnage has lawmakers pitching everything from more photo radar to fewer right turns on red KUOW State lawmakers in Olympia are debating a suite of possible new responses. Those include authorizing photo radar in highway work zones, prohibiting right turns at many red lights, and lowering the breathalyzer limit to convict for drunk driving. Read More
Vending machines with lifesaving drug grow as opioid crisis rages in US The Guardian The police chief of the small Kentucky city of Vine Grove knew from heart-rending experience why he needed a vending machine outside his office. Read More
The calls that “break your heart” Greg Young, past OACP conference presenter We all have them…the incidents that you respond to that haunt you and stay with you. Read More (Article begins on page 12 of Michigan Police Chiefs magazine.)
OACP Weekly Update
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