We've been on a mission to discover creative ways agencies around the state are engaging with their community during these challenging times. We've learned that Chief Mitch Hicks of Columbia River Inter-Tribal Police Department, has leveraged their ability to obtain a good amount of financial rewards for COVID relief initiatives. They've established a great partnership with One Community Health and the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board to provide mobile COVID testing, food deliveries, isolation assistance, quarantine assistance, and contact tracing. Though not "traditional policing," they are meeting the needs of their community and their efforts have been positively received and well supported.
We will continue to use this platform to highlight the good work agencies around Oregon are involved in. Let us know how your agency is engaging and making a difference in your community.One of our favorite things to do is share these with fellow members.
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Tracy Miller, TM Consulting, Presents:
Law Enforcement Promotional Interview Online Course
Aug. 25, Sept 1, Sept 8, Sept 15 7-8 pm via zoom
$475 for entire course $425 if you register by August 18
Email: [email protected] to reserve your spot
Opening Statement, Closing Statement, Scenario Based Questions, Critical Incident Scenarios, Community Panels, In Box Exercises
All Levels: Chiefs, Assistant Chiefs, Captains, Lts., Sgts., Investigators, Corporals.
To visit her website, click here.
For an informational flyer, click here.
For testimonials, click here.