
April 27, 2022

What an amazing conference this year! After two years of lockdown, it was so nice to see all of you and get away for some great training and networking over in Bend.  I want to thank the Victory Group and our Central Oregon LE partners for all the effort in making sure that all the details were attended to.  The administrative work that goes into any of our gatherings can be overwhelming at times and OACP staff, along with the Conference and Training Committee members, take great pride in providing a great experience.  The results of the conference survey will be distributed to the Executive Board and Conference & Training Committee to review. Thank you to those who filled out the survey - your feedback is important.  Some of the highlights and lowlights won’t be a shock to anyone.  We had great reviews for most of our guests, especially Dr. Ben Stone who reframed our thinking about heart health in a way that was very sobering.  We have also taken note of your concerns about a variety of areas such as food options and networking time.  Again thank you for your candid feedback.

Very soon we will be sending out committee sign-ups for this next year.  I’m going to wipe the slate clean and ask that we evaluate those committees and the outcomes we are trying to achieve over this next year.  To that end, I would propose that everyone who is interested in a committee please sign up even if you were on the committee last year.  There will be a renewed focus on the core mission of each committee and an expectation of engagement as we want all committees to be value added for the membership.  I can’t express enough the importance of the work of these committees.  The work of the OACP is done on the backs of these committees and its members.  If you are someone who has always wanted to see more out of our association, then I encourage you to get involved at the committee level.  Not only is this a great way to move us forward, but a great way to get all members of the association involved not just the chief executives.  Let’s show up and lean in on this effort as team.  

I’m excited about this next year and what we can accomplish together.  I’m looking forward to traveling around the state and meeting many of you closer to your home jurisdiction.  I will be asking each of our board members to facilitate some time where chiefs in each one of the districts can come together for some time to meet and hear from each one of you. I’m hoping by opening lines of communication that we, as an association, can listen and, selfishly, I want to get better acquainted with each one of you. Thank you for being a part of this association and your dedication to the service of your communities.  As I said in my brief remarks at the conference, your constant and unwavering commitment doesn’t go unnoticed.

Chief Chris Skinner
OACP President


OACP Annual Conference Awards Banquet

Outgoing President Matt Workman (Warrenton PD) receives his presidents' plaque from incoming President Chris Skinner (Eugene PD).

Incoming President Chris Skinner shares his vision for the coming year with those in attendance at the Annual Conference Awards Banquet.

Chief John Teague (Keizer PD) and Chief Geoff Spaulding (Astoria PD) both receive a Paul Nagy award; one of OACP's most prestigious recognitions given to members.

Deanna Moore, OACP's Executive Assistant (standing with Kevin and Marie Campbell), receives a Presidents' Award from outgoing President Matt Workman.

OACP's Executive Board, who served throughout 2021-2022, were recognized at the banquet for their service to the association: Pictured from left to right are Chiefs Mark Daniel, John Teague, Matt Workman, Chris Skinner, Matt Scales, and Jim Ferraris.

At the Awards banquet all in attendance gathered for a group photo.


We value your input. If you attended the conference, please take a moment to give us your feedback. We've already received some GREAT feedback; both encouraging and constructive, and look forward to taking it into consideration when planning upcoming conference planning.


Most descriptive evaluation quote: "The best DEI/bias training I have been through, hands down. This ran circles around anything my city has offered. I know Eme doesn't want to "check boxes" for cities but this is a game changer in terms of understanding different sides of the issue. My entire city government would benefit from his conversation."


Most effusive evaluation quotes: "I want to bottle this guy up and carry him around in my pocket!" (comment on Emelike Delancy's presentation).  "This guy is going to save lives, no doubt about it." (comment on Dr. Ben Stone).  "Kevin is a rock star, consummate professional, and tireless advocate." (comment on Kevin Campbell's presentation) 

Click here for the conference survey.

All the training sessions were recorded, and will be sent out to all who registered for the conference mid to late May, says our video team (video editing for this much training can be quite time consuming).  If there are folks at your agency who did not register and would like to view the presentations, we'll be making them available on a Learning Center platform at a reasonable cost this summer.

Word on the street is that the Small Agency committee is planning a Small Agency Conference for
August 31 - September 2, 2022
in Sunriver.

More information to come.


Paid Job Posting

Gresham Police Department

Police Captain
Salary: $143,304.00 - $150,468.00 Annually
Closing date: May 22, 2022

Click here for a job bulletin.
Click here to apply.

Chief Ronda Groshong Retires

The OACP congratulates Beaverton Chief of Police Ronda Groshong on her upcoming retirement May 2, 2022. Chief Groshong has spent nearly three decades in law enforcement starting her career with the Beaverton Police Department in 1995 and becoming the chief in 2019. The OACP wishes Chief Groshong a very happy retirement!


Welcome to OACP's Newest

Lieutenant Thomas Crino, Beaverton PD
Sergeant Brad Moyle, Lake Oswego PD
Sergeant Travis Hill, Gladstone PD
Captain David Abrahamson, Portland Police Bureau
Sergeant Roger Pettit, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fisheries Enforcement
Assistant Special Agent in Charge Brian Prevett, ODJ

New Member Fun Facts:

We asked our new members about their hobbies, favorite music genre, where they would travel if given the chance, and their favorite food. Here's what they had to say:

Roger Pettit - "I enjoy reading, the topic doesn't necessarily matter as my interests are varied and evolve. I tend to be drawn to 90's era grunge bands when making musical choices. I'd like to vacation in Spain, and generally think of a rice bowl when hungry."

Travis Hill - Travis enjoys camping & RVing and listening to country and Christian music. Given a chance to vacation, he would choose Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming (Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park). His go-to food is pizza or spicy teriyaki chicken.

David Abrahamson - "My current hobby is trying to lose my COVID 25lbs and getting back into judo and high intensity trainings that are a gentle reminder that the body takes longer to recover in the late 40s. I enjoy a range of activities with family [seven kids/same wife :)] from holding competitive cook-offs with friends/family to hiking, archery, to journaling. The music list is a bit schizophrenic and on a long road drive will entail a bit of Johnny Cash, Whalen -Willie, Journey, Peter Cetera, ACDC, newer country, and worship music for perspective ...Vacation: If with my young adult boys - Brooks Mountain Range in Alaska for caribou hunt, capped off with deep sea fishing in Homer and SE Alaska areas. If with family - Banff, Canada area in January/February for outdoor winter activities that are endless and much more beautiful than any US National Park. Hunger: As of January 1st it no longer exists in my body. It can't. It must not. ... but if my wife weren't looking I would grab a lamb gyro with extra sauce, a ginger lemon kombucha, followed with baklava."

Brian Prevett - "I coach Middle School football & Babe Ruth Baseball. I like to travel anywhere warm and sunny."


Oregon News


Former state agency director denies allegations, addresses resignation
The director of Oregon’s Department of Public Safety Standards and Training resigned last weekend and is now speaking out against the investigation that spurred his departure.
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Close Call On I-5 In Southern Oregon

KXL - FM News 101
An Oregon State Trooper was assisting a big rig driver on Interstate 5 in Roseburg when a truck clipped both of their vehicles.
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Oregon candidates for governor: What would they do to stem gun violence, homicides in Portland?
Crime will be top-of-mind for Oregon voters as they start to fill out their ballots this week for the May 17 election, in which registered Democrats and Republicans will select their nominees for governor.
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National News


Starting pay is up, but police agencies are still having a hard time filling open jobs
The Courier & Press
The pay is up for local police officers and sheriff's deputies, but law enforcement agencies are still finding it difficult to fill open positions.
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FBI director highlights overlooked ‘phenomena’ of violence against police
The Hill
FBI Director Christopher Wray in an interview Sunday highlighted the increased violence against police officers in 2021, including an alarming jump in police murders.
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As Spokane Public Schools discipline is scrutinized by police and FBI, its proponents say system is working
The Spokesman-Review

Seven years after outcry over disparities in punishment of disabled and minority students, Spokane Public Schools has, along with many school districts in Washington, worked to change its approach to discipline in schools. That approach now is under fire from local law enforcement leaders and being investigated by the FBI.
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OACP Weekly Update

Send feedback by contacting the OACP Office at 503.315.1411 or by visiting the website: