To: All OACP Members
From: Kevin Campbell, OACP Executive Director
Re: New OACP Membership Dues Structure
OACP Members,
After a multi-year effort to explore ways to stabilize the budget of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police and in recognition of the importance of the organization to law enforcement agencies throughout Oregon, the OACP Executive Committee and Board of Directors approved a new “tiered” dues structure that will take effect during our upcoming dues renewal period in January 2023. The information below is designed to explain the new structure and to anticipate questions you may have.
What is the new membership dues structure? If you are the head of your agency, you will now be designated as the key contact for your agency. The dues amount for your Agency Organization (city, tribal, university, and school) will be based on the population of the jurisdiction you serve and dues for any additional members (Active or Associate) from your agency will be set at $25 per year. These additional members (Active & Associate) will continue to be full members with individual profiles and retain all the benefits of membership. A single membership dues invoice for those individuals at your agency will be sent to you as the key contact.
What is the membership fee for my Agency Organization? Population Agency Dues: Less than 10,000 $300 10,000 to 35,000 $1000 35,000 to 100,000 $2500 100,000 and above $5000 Dues for each additional member at agencies: $25
Individual members from non-population agencies: $150
How will dues be paid for an Agency Organization? The key contact for each agency (agency head) will pay dues for both the agency and for all additional members from their agency. One invoice will be sent.
How will members who are employed by a law enforcement entity that do not meet the description of an Agency Organization as is outlined above be defined, and pay dues? The dues structure for individuals associated with agencies such as CIS, Chemeketa Public Safety Department, DPSST, FBI, HIDTA, Humane Society, OAA, OEDI, US DOJ, US Postal, members of a sheriff's office, WSIN (and others such as these) will now be given the new Member Type category called “Other Associate.” Dues will be paid just as they have been in the past; with an electronic invoice sent to you. No change on your part will be needed.
What does this mean for new member applicants? There will be three categories to choose from in the membership application: Active, Associate, and Other Associate. Descriptions for each of these categories will be in the form, and in the membership application information on our website. This information is also reflected in the Bylaws which were approved at the September 28, 2022 board meeting. Please view the video - here - for additional context and information. For reference, here is a copy of the approved OACP Bylaws - click here.
Our goal as an association is to always exceed your expectations and to honor your membership investment with benefits and resources that are invaluable to you. Thank you in advance for your support during this dues structure transition. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Kevin Campbell, Executive Director Oregon Association Chiefs of Police (W): 800-784-2867 (C): 503-580-9485 [email protected]